If you have extensive damage or deterioration of the ductwork in your HVAC system and need to replace it, or if you have a home that never had ductwork and you need to have it installed, there are some important questions you should be asking. When it comes to ducts, the first thing to know is that they’re not all the same. Ducts come in both solid and flexible varieties. If you’re considering flex ducts, you should know what they’re made of, and what the pros and cons are of this type of ductwork. Here are the details.
What Are Flex Ducts?
The structural basis of flexible ductwork is a spiral of metal, a sturdy wire that coils around like a spring. The exterior is a plastic layer which turns that open spring into an enclosed tube. There is also a layer of insulation to keep the cooled or heated air conducted through it at the optimal temperature. It was first patented in 1965 and has been used extensively ever since.
What Are the Drawbacks to Flex Ducts?
Because of the way these ducts are structured, they do have some drawbacks as compared to other options. Other duct options are solid, which makes them very sturdy. In contrast, flex ducts are vulnerable to forces that might compress or twist them. They can become collapsed or kinked. This risk is heightened if they are installed by someone inexperienced, or as a DIY project. When ducts are pinched, they don’t allow air to pass through. This decreases the comfort you’ll have in your home, and increases the chances of putting excess pressure on your HVAC system.
The other major drawback is that the flexible exterior is vulnerable to damage. It can be cut accidentally during a home repair project, torn during amateur installation, nibbled through by rodents, or even just deteriorated due to age. When there are holes or cracks in ductwork, the air you’ve paid to heat or condition can be lost to places like a crawlspace, leaving less of the air making it all the way to the vents. And dusty air can be pulled in from those places, affecting your air quality and contributing to wear and tear on your AC or heater.
What Are the Benefits of Flex Ducts?
Don’t be too swayed by the drawbacks. There are benefits galore to flex ducts! First, they are flexible. This means that they can fit in places where you might otherwise need to make significant modifications to your home in order to use solid ducts. They’re ideal for small spaces or going around corners. Second, they are faster and easier to install. This could cut down on your installation cost. Third, regardless of installation, choosing flex ducts already means cutting down on costs. They’re by far the most affordable option for ductwork. And finally, while they can get damaged, they can also be repaired. Sealing flexible ducts is possible, and with the right tools and techniques, cleaning them is also possible. But even if there’s extensive damage, replacing a section of flex duct is not very costly.
When you need more information about your duct options or flex duct repair in San Antonio, TX, we’ve got you covered.
Our professionals are ready to take care of you when you reach out. Contact Cowboys Air Conditioning & Heating today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.